
This is a really good opportunity to get your manuscript looked at by a publisher. I only just found this! 

The Blog by Heather Howland 
I found the details about these two competition on Health Howland's blog.  You can read more at: 

Penguin Publishing
Full details can be found on

Usually their company policy is to not accept unsolicited manuscripts or synopses. However, for a limited three-month period from the beginning of August until the end of October 2010, they are inviting submissions to be sent in electronically to the following address: [email protected].

They don't want you to send in your manuscript but you should send them your covering note (Query letter) and synopsis in the body of the email - NO ATTACHMENTS!

Dorchester Publishing
Full details can be found on
Editor Leah Hultenschmidt is looking for YA manuscripts and wants them fast.  She's looking for manuscrips with a word count of 60,000-90,000. It can be any setting and genre so long as its aimed at older teens and  has a strong crossover potential to the adult market.

She wants you to email her word documents as individual attachements for your send a synopsis and manuscript.  She wants the manuscript because if you synopsis is good she wants to read the manuscript right away - no waiting.

Good luck to everyone that goes for this.  I'm gonna do a final proof of my manuscript before sending in my manuscript and work on my synopsis.
7/16/2012 11:14:29 am

Fine post bro


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