
I ♥ Online Life

I find it easier typing a message to someone than picking up a phone.  Probably why I love writing so much too.

In my spare time, I enjoy gaming, especially MMORPGs  like City of Heroes/Villains, Champions, WoW and now Aion.   These games allow me to connect my creativity with socializing, in one fun mix.   

To keep up with everyone online I use Digsby (one stop for facebook, myspace, twitter and web e-mail instant messages),  I am also on a social networking site for redheads and on mixbook for digital scrapbooking.  But my best discovery to date is WeBook a social site for writers.   Another good one is Agent Query.  Currently I am trying out a website by Harper Collins called Authonotomy.

My PC should get a medal.  I barely allow it to breath between writing, gaming and networking.