
I created a little video in Widnows Media Player for fun.  I want to share it on here but I'm worried about copyright permissions.

I finished the first draft of Drift in December 2009.  Then Ellie Goulding released her song Starry Eyed.  The song has always felt like it was written for the story - the whole story not just a part of it. 

I used the song as the backing track for the trailer.  She is HUGE and I don't want to get in trouble for using it.  Someone said I should ask, so I sent an email to her record label and if they'll let me use it then I'll upload it here.

As I've been trying to take a break from Drift, it was a very good creative distraction.  Plus, I've really enjoyed making it. 
Well, I love scrapbooking so for fun I created a digital scrapbook of Drift on my favourite website Mixbook:

It wasn't as easy as making a personal scrapbook because I didn't have Fern's photo albumn (becuase she is a fictional character) so I had to search the web for free pictures. 

Finding the right 'free' picture wasn't easy either as I didn't want to take away from the reader how they may have imagined the scenes or characters I've written about.  Therefore, I tried really hard to find universal pictures that illustrated the point I was making without giving away too much. 

I also don't want to give away the plot of the story... as I'd like it to be like a visual blurb.  Now I've got a few pictures I'm happy with, I'm thinking about trying to make a trailer next as this is somethign a lot of other authors have done and it looks like fun.
Mixbook - Create Beautiful Photo Books and Scrapbooks! | View Sample Photo Books | Create your own Photo Book
The last few days have involved some critical thinking about my writing.


It all started with a visit to my mum’s house on Wednesday evening.  Mum isn’t convinced I have really moved out as I’ve left a few bits behind.  In mum’s opinion these things are more than 'just a few bits'.  Every time I visit, she's anxious for me to review the contents of my old bedroom and move out for good.  She threatens that if I don't these things I've left behind will end up in a charity shop... one day.  Usually, she convinces me to take away an item or two and I promise to return another day to collect the rest.  This routine has been going on for around three years.


During my recent visit the items I took home with me were some Halloween spiders, a book and some software on writing.  The book is really good, I can’t believe I left it behind but the Write Your Own Novel software was never much use.  The 38 Most common Fiction Writing Mistakes by Jack M. Bickman is a real eye opener.  The book force feeds you the home truths about the difficulties of getting published.  The book reminded me of my original goals to write at least 1,000 words a day or edit a chapter.  I’ve just finished editing Drift and it has been so difficult.  I could have done it quicker if I had been stricter with myself and set targets.  Personally, I hate editing and since finishing it I’ve almost destroyed my will to write as I’ve now become obsessed with picking holes in my work.  The software on the other hand is dated but viewing the blurb on the back of the DVD case, I can see that although the software never seemed to be very useful, it does in fact have some good ideas for getting organising. 


Then on Thursday, after a long difficult day at work, I returned home to an email rejecting my novel.  I’ve received rejections before but this one was different.  This rejection was from an agent who had shown an interest and requested more.  In addition, this agent was one of my favourites and the idea they were interested filled me with hope.  Now, I'm just heartbroken.  I tried to be brave but when I went to bed my dreams had gone and I suffered horrible nightmares that woke me from my sleep in tears.  Robbed is an understatment, the feeling was closer to mugged.  Now in a position to write the sequel I find myself unable to face my characters.  I feel that I’ve let them down.  It’s ridiculous I know but to me they are very real; they are my creations; I gave them life. 


Today, I went to Felixstowe Library to hear a reading by published writer Ruth Dugdall about her journey to publication and part of her recent novel The Woman Before Me.  It was exactly what I needed to hear.  She has had highs and lows and although she has done well and got books published, she has also had some long waits and disappointments along the way.  For her the competitions she entered really helped her to get recognition and she recommended this to everyone who came listen.  When I got home I googled the competitions she recommended and noted down the closing dates.  I also found some others and noted them down too. 


Since getting home I’ve started organising myself and it’s really helped.  I feel refreshed now and more focussed. In addition, with the MS Office (enterprise) software I currently have installed on my PC, I could easily use implement some of those good ideas from the writing software and some of them I’ve already been doing.  Here’s how:
·        MS One Note - I have been using the new MS One Note to keep track of my characters in my stories.  There is an overview tab about the whole story such as town, school relationships between characters.  Then there is the character tab.  The characters tab is split into section such:
  • Appearancewhat does the character look like, how old they, etc
  • Details – important information about their history or interests.  Details that build them as a person.
  • Involvement – how they are involved in the story or will be in the future.

  • Snippets – cuts from the story that are particularly important.

  • Diary – for crucial characters I’ve written brief diary entries to keep track of what’s going on especially in situation that overlap with other characters
·        MS Excel – I’ve create a timeline word count spreadsheet.
  •  timeline – to make sure that event happen in a timely manner and that overlapping events are accurate
  • word count – to keep track of words for a chapter, a MC and the total
·        MS word – Obviously my Manuscript is written in word.  I’ve also used it for noting down ideas.
  • Manuscript – front sheet with name, contract details, book title; formatted 12pt, Times New Roman, double spacing; footer with word count, title, surname, page numbers.
  • Query letter – to enquire whether an agent is interested in giving me a chance.
  • Synopsis – an outline of everything that happens from start to finish (was very hard to write on just one page)
  • Plot – ideas for plot have been jotted down
  • Species – development of the species was started in MS Word but since been moved to One Note
  • Re-writes – temporary documents are kept with details of areas I need to go back to an re-write.
·        MS Access – Created a database to keep track of submissions
  • Novels – table of manuscripts and version and word count details and date finished.
  • Agencies – name of company, address details and submission details
  • Agent – name of person and links to an agency
  • Submission – links to novel, agent and records date submitted and date responded
·        MS Outlook – Currently it lists my tasks and events but I still haven't manged to link it to my hotmail.
  • Tasks – details upcoming competitions, their deadlines, how to submit  and requirements.
  • Calendar – details about writing events that I plan to attend, where and when.
Writing a story is a huge process.  I’ve done well finishing my first manuscript and I think I will seriously consider letting an editor give it a final look over before querying any more.  I shall also work on Wipeout and shall again set myself the 1,000 words a day challenge.  I also need to remember how lucky I am to have such a supportive partner and I’ve also made a lot of writing friends who are really helpful.  At the end of the Month I shall be reading at Sue’s Private Writers Group.  The start of next month I shall be attending Maureen Blundell’s workshops and receive a one-on-one editorial review of 2,000 words. 

The most important thing of all is never to lose faith in my dream.  Even if this hard work amounts to nothing, I need to know I tried my very best and gave it my all.  Otherwise, all my hardwork before was for nothing.  I can't ever give up!
Last night I recieved my WeBook newsletter and it was one that should defintely be acknowledged.  This one had an offer code to enter Page2Fame for free.

Page2Fame is the WeBook competition that usually requires an entry fee.  You submit the first 500 words of your story and then you are rated from 1 to 5 by other writers.  If during the rating period you score enough 4s or 5s then you make round 2 where you submit between 1,000 to 1,500 words and your writing is read by potential agents who can sign you if they like your work.  This is an amazing prize - a jump to the top of the slush pile.

The newsletter contained a coupon/code to enter Page2Fame for free (see snipet below).  I just entered Drift and Wipeout (both for free).  I may enter more over the course of the weekend.  Wish me luck *fingers crossed*

For you and everyone who participated in PageToFame in the early days, we are running an amazing weekend special. Submit for FREE (yes! for free!) from Friday, June 18 @ 5:00PM EST through Monday, June 21 @ 10AM EST.
Today, I went to Castle Lodge to meet Maureen Blundell.  She is an editor but runs workshops every so often.

She agreed to meet me and look over the first 2,000 words of Drift.  It was really useful sitting with someone and discussing my work.  Although, Maureen was constructive in her criticism, she still managed to be motivating about my writing and ambitions and offered excellent industry advice about publishers that would be interested in my chosen genre.

Despite coming away feeling like I had a lot of work to do, I felt really confident and positive.  I know I am one step closer to my dream.

The general feedback was regarding my tenses - a known problem.  It was interseting to find that I over explain some things.  Her insight on what information was important at the start and what wasn't was useful.  We discussed how I could include the removed parts later on if they were important.  She suggested that the story needed to make it more clear that 'Fern isn't your average girl' and we discussed ways of doing this without slowing the pace of the story.  Sometimes it felt like brainstorming.  My head was buzzing by the end, with so many ideas that I almost didn't attend the evening social. 

I would definitley have a one-to-one with Maureen again.  And, I would definitely recommend her to other serious writers.

Firstly, I want to say thank you to everyone who has commented and supported my Drift project on  The motivation has really kept me driven as I don't feel as if I am wasting my time.  Knowing that my story does appeal to others and has an audience has been a real confidence boost. 

As usual, my mind is all over the place with my next story.  I shall be concentrating mainly on Wipe Out! (The Sequal).  However, I am also really close to finishing Instinct.  

This will be the squeal and continuation of Drift.  This will be written in the same urban fantasy style with romance for young adults.  I also have plans for a third story to follow called "Swept Away"

Shall be a spin off story from Drift, following Jen's struggle after the break-up.  This will be an urban fantasy tale but will be more darker and grittier than Drift.  Jen's life spirals out of control as being dumped causes her to have little self worth.  She finds herself in a dangerous situation that will be the end of her current existence.

 Untitled - Annie's story
This will be a story that follows Annie's struggles with the graphical nightmares that cause her insomnia.  I am planning her dreams to take her into a strange world like Pans Labyrinth or Dark Crystal or Legend, however, there will be some elements of horror and a snake theme.  

I haven't come up with a name yet for this story...  suggestion welcome.  I thought of Snake Eyes or Nightmare but they don't  sound right.  What do you think?
The first four chapters for Drift have now been uploaded to WeBook. 
The first three chapters of Drift have been up on since Christmas.  After a string of positive feedback I was encouraged to upload more. 

The community on WeBook are so supportive and the feedback on submissions is really useful.  I have learnt a lot from other people and my confident has soared.