

Sometimes I will upload chapters of my stories to WeBook for feedback from other writers or readers.  I use the feedback and ratings to identify what areas I need to improve and hope to then get my writing into print.  

I have found the website unbelievably enjoyable.  I have learnt so much from others and had my confidence boosted by people who enjoy my writing.  Not only that, but I have made some good online friends along the way

Drift (Project)

Currently, the full novel of Drift is on WeBook in the hope that someone will read it and figure out what's no quite right. 

I've lost count of the number of agents that have shown an interest only to decide not to represent after they've read the whole story. 

I've now done ten full edits.  If you'd like to see if you can help advise what I need to do to make it work and apeal to agents/publishers you can join WeBook and offer feedback:

WeBook has so much to offer.  Members get awards for their participation in different section.  For example:

The site aims to support writers in improving their art and getting published.  This is achieved through a feedback for feedback system where writers create projects to upload their work and receive feedback, in response they return the favor by giving feedback back on that persons writing. 

Perfect for people who love read and discover new talent, they can read the work of undiscovered writers and rate them 1 to 5.  Their participation is developing the future of publication.   They also can take part in the Page2Fame competition by voting for their favorites to get published.  

These are the people who have an eye for what is working and what is not. They may be excellent and proof reading, rewording or any other part of putting together a masterpiece of a story.  Their advice is valuable and sought after by everyone.  

This is a competition that is run by the website and costs £$4.99 to enter.  There are several rounds but the first one is where you enter the first page (about 300 words' of your story.  People rate it 1 to 5 as to whether they feel it should be published.   The winner makes it to the next round where you get feedback from an agent.  Eventually the winner gets published.

Agent in the Box
Currently this is a free service.  They help you with writing your proposal and getting it sent out to Agents who might be interested in publishing your story.  You must though have a full completed Manuscript thats ready for publication before using this service.