
Rejection - That word sounds so harsh!  Got an email to let me know that one of the Agents is not interested, 

I checked their website and they market YA fiction... but if I check the list of what they don't market it is Romance and Science fiction so perhaps this was the agent I needed to remove from my list.

The nice thing is that through Agent in the Box you can see the status of your submission, how much they read and whether they comment back.  This agent wished me well and it was quite a sweet encouraging message.

i can see further down the list the status of my other submissions.  One of the the agents is reading my Synopsis.  It's quite nice to actually know the outcome of submissions - anyone who has done post or email and not sure if their MS was even acknolwedge will understand why this is such a beautiful feature.

My worry is that as the number of potetial agents dwindle that it will get dissappointing but this is my dream, so I won't give up, I can't!