
I found the most fabulous Twitter today.  They're called @agentgame and 'claim' to be the assistant to a literary agent.  I say 'claim' because they are anonymous but to be honest reading their tweets I do believe them. 

Its an enlightening read to see all the 'whys' for the 'Do Nots' that we are constantly told about.  Her (assuming its a her - just how I picture this assistant) tweets are classic complaints she probably experiences on a daily basis in response to the queries from potential authors that can't even query right.

I added most of 'her' tweets to my favourites and followed her, so I can giggle in future when I take a break from writing.  Its also refreshing to see I am not the only one that has made mistakes querying like attaching chapters to an agent that only wants a synopsis. 

She complains about someone writing to the wrong agent and I remember one agent I queried and spelt their name wrong - was resulted in a no.  Another query, I spelt 'October' wrong.  I spent ages reading and checking it was perfect clicked send and there is was like a neon light 'Ocotober'.  I thought "well that ones a no reprentation' but they actually came back to me asking for a full manuscript - sadly they decided despite loving it that they didn't want to represent my story.

Still, I hear a lot of big writers recieve a number of nos before becoming a best seller so I guess perseverance and faith that I will make it is what will make me a published writer. 

Maybe, one day my story will be on the anonymous agent's assistants desk and there'll be a positive tweet on @agentgame about someone getting it right and that writert will be me.  I love my imagination.

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