
Every writer has a favorite genre and sometimes despite how much you love to write, you just can't get your ideas on the paper.

I was frustrated and complaining over a cup of tea when my finance wisely suggested "Why don't you try a different genre?"

The idea was almost scary.  Literally, stepping out of my comfort zone - naked!  It was unspeakable!  I couldn't do it!

I let the idea settle in my mind and it began to appeal to me.  The reason I enjoy Scribblers (my writing social group) so much is because they challenge me.  Writing a different genre would be a good leaning experience.   After all every genre has aspects of other genres within it, for example a romance novel might have the lead feeling stalked and that scene might not look out of place in a thriller or horror.  There could be a detective that has some romantic involvement or there could be a fight that wouldn't look out of place in an action story.   When I am struggling for ideas, keeping my mind fresh by trying something new is the solution.  

Choosing to try my hand at a little horror was quite thrilling and my immagination has already begun to take flight.  I shan't try it late at night of course... now that would be scary!  

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