
Ever heard the saying 'You don't know what you've got until it's gone!"?  Well that is exactly how I am feeling now. 

Logged in to check my Agent in the Box and... the Agent table lists everyone I have queried but I can't see if they are currently looking at my submission or whether they have commented on anything. 
The 'Tracker Service' used to allow me to see which documents they had viewed (i.e. Synopsis, Manuscript, etc) and even if they rejected me there would be some feedback - FEEDBACK FROM AN AGENT!  I can't tell you how valuable it is and when its positive (even when followed by a 'no thanks') it's so encouraging. 

Whilst I consider upgrading my Agent In The Box to a paid 'tracker account', I shall look at the feedback and share some of the posive feedback with you in due course.

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